Questions to Get to Know a Guy

Questions to Get to Know a Guy

Looking for questions to ask a guy? These questions should do the trick. (Too: head here if you lot're looking for questions to ask a girl.)

1. What is one thing that brings a smile to your face, no thing the time of day?

two. What'south is one thing that you're proud of?

3. What makes yous laugh?

four. When yous're feeling super lazy, what's your guilty-pleasure Netflix show?

5. What's the scariest thing you lot've ever done?

vi. What is one memory you take from babyhood?

7. What'due south the all-time thing virtually your life right at present?

8. What is one thing that y'all're thankful for?

nine. What'south one thing that yous fear?

10. If you could only picket one movie for the rest of your life, what would information technology exist?

xi. Can you tell me one thing, big or small, that you've never told anyone else?

12. If you were forced to leave your home and move to a county you've never been before, what are three things that yous'd have with yous?

xiii. What'south a favorite memory with a pet/animal?

14. Who are you closest to in your family?

15. What's your family unit similar?

xvi. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

17. What's your favorite joke?

18. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?

xix. If y'all could rewrite your past, what's one thing y'all'd modify?

xx. What do you think your best physical feature is?

21. What'south one thing about yourself, personality-wise, that you like?

22. When you're feeling downwards, who or what is your biggest get-to person or action?

23. If you could merely swallow one food for the rest of your life, what would information technology be?

24. What's one thing you're super passionate about?

25. If y'all had to lose 1 of your five senses, which would you give up and why?

26. What'south the hardest thing, physically, you've ever washed?

27. What'due south the hardest thing, mentally, you've always done or been through?

28. What'southward the best role nearly your job?

29. What'due south one thing that defines who you lot are?

30. If tomorrow was your last day on earth, what would you do in your last 24 hours?

31. What do yous believe in, mostly or faith-wise?

32. If you had to describe yourself in three words, what would they exist?

33. Where's the coolest place y'all've e'er been/traveled to?

34. What's i thing people would never know about you lot just by looking at you?

35. What'south one matter well-nigh the reverse sex that you lot're attracted to?

36. What are three qualities y'all look for in a potential engagement?

37. What's the sweetest thing you've ever washed for a girl?

38. How would others describe you lot?

39. What'due south your all-time favorite memory?

40. What are your parents/step-parents/guardians/people who raised you like?

41. What's your get-to alcoholic drink?

42. What would be your ideal outset date?

43. If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?

44. If you could a total 24 hours without whatsoever piece of work or obligations, a solar day to only do whatsoever y'all wanted, what would you exercise?

45. What is the best compliment you've ever received?

46. What is something you're talented at?

47. What's your favorite higher memory?

48. What is your best friend similar?

49. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you lot alive?

50. What's ane thing yous desire to do before yous dice?

51. If someone gave you a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?

52. Have you ever fabricated a decision that changed your unabridged life? If so, what was it?

53. What's your favorite thing to do on the weekends?

54. What'southward your zodiac sign? And do y'all remember it describes you?

55. What's your biggest regret?

56. What can always put you in a good mood?

57. What's your guilty pleasure snack, drink, or junk food?

58. If you lot were forced to swallow fast nutrient for your every meal, what would exist your top two places?

59. What's 1 thing you wish y'all could alter most yourself?

threescore. If you had the selection to hit restart and brainstorm life all over over again, would you lot?

61. Have you lot ever lost someone close to you? What were they like?

62. What'south your favorite social media profile?

63. What'due south one thing that totally relaxes you when yous're stressed?

64. What's a random hobby you lot've always wanted to try merely never take?

65. When was the terminal time y'all cried, and why did you?

66. What scares you the most most the future?

67. Do you lot want to have children someday?

68. What do you imagine your futurity family unit volition be like?

69. Accept you e'er done or accomplished something y'all never thought you could? What was it?

70. What's one affair you could never live without?

71. Who is one person you could never alive without?

72. What's your favorite vacation identify?

73. Would you rather become out or stay in on a Sat night?

74. What'due south your favorite quote, line of verse, or sentence?

75. What'due south your favorite family unit retention?

76. What's i thing that helps you decide you can trust someone?

77. Have you lot been in beloved before?

78. How would you lot explicate what 'love' is?

79. Have you lot ever gotten your heart broken?

80. What's i thing you've learned about yourself from a past relationship?

81. What's your biggest pet peeve?

82. What'south ane matter that'southward a total turn off?

83. What's i thing that's a total turn on?

84. What'due south the craziest thing you've ever done for a daughter?

85. What's your go-to beverage/food/activity when you're sick and in bed?

86. What'due south the scariest matter that always happened to you as a kid?

87. Who in your family, firsthand or extended, are you the most like to?

88. Where do y'all see yourself in five years?

89. What'southward your favorite song or artist?

90. What would be your dream chore?

91. If y'all were writing a book well-nigh your life, what would the title be?

92. What's your favorite word?

93. What keeps you up at night?

94. What'due south your go-to phrase?

95. What'south i empty-headed, little-kid detail that you still have somewhere hidden in your room?

96. Who is someone that'southward impacted your life or helped you become who you are?

97. What's i matter you want to achieve before you die?

98. What'southward your favorite volume?

99. What's one thing, silly or serious, that you're guilty of?

100. What makes yous blissfully, completely, grin-from-ear-to-ear happy? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Kirill Vasilevcom

Bonus: 100 Questions To Ask A Guy If You Want To Know Who He Really Is

by Samantha Male monarch

ane. What was your babyhood like?

2. Did you lot accept a close bond with your parents?

three. Do you take whatever brothers or sisters?

4. What was your showtime trounce like?

five. Are you lot still friends with your exes?

6. If you had to describe your begetter, what would you tell me almost him?

7. What was your biggest achievement?

eight. Do yous similar animals?

9. What'south your favourite song from your teenage years?

10. What makes you feel happy?

eleven. Are you a competitive person?

12. Practice you like whatever sports?

13. What'southward your favourite book?

fourteen. Would y'all lend it to me?

15. What exercise you recollect about death?

16. What about children?

17. What is your favourite memory from babyhood?

18. What is your favourite scent?

19. How did you lose your virginity?

20. What's your strongest character trait?

21. What is your weakest spot?

22. Do you consider getting married one day?

23. What do you think nearly Pink Floyd?

24. How exercise you similar to dance?

25. What is your favourite album?

26. What was the worst wintertime of your life?

27. On a scale from 1 to 10, how good would you lot say yous are at singing in public?

28. Are you left fly or right wing? Or in betwixt?

29. Are you pro selection or pro life?

30. Have you ever felt attracted to a queer person?

31. Did y'all ever participate in a protestation?

32. Would you appointment two girls in the aforementioned day?

33. Would y'all ever date a blind person?

34. Tell me virtually the one who got abroad.

35. How many pairs of shoes do you have?

36. Do you ain a suit?

37. Take you ever stalked someone?

38. What'south the biggest life lesson you have learned?

39. What'south the most significant love lesson you have learned?

twoscore. What is your favourite summer memory?

41. What is it about us girls that makes you so horny?

42. What was the biggest letdown of your life?

43. What would you take with you on a deserted isle?

44. What would you say about your human relationship with God?

45. Tell me virtually the worst job you've e'er had.

46. What are you almost ashamed of?

47. What are you near proud almost?

48. How would yous rate today'south politics in terms of efficiency and protection?

49. Do you wish y'all were born some place else?

50. What are you secretly fond of?

51. What's the most of import quality you savor in a friend?

52. Did you ever betray anyone you loved?

53. If I gave you a pen and paper what would you lot make out of them?

54. What's the pic scene you loved the most?

55. How do you relate to people who suffer from mental disorders?

56. What is your stance on men who decline to utilise condoms?

57. What are some of the things you wish a girl knew earlier dating yous?

58. Are yous a feminist?

59. What is your take on climate change?

60. What are your peak 3 healthy habits?

61. What practice you remember about psychology and what office did information technology play in your life?

61. Tell me the most embarrassing experience you had in bed.

62. Would you date someone who doesn't have any books in their house?

63. What practise you dearest about nigh travel?

64. What'southward the all-time matter about beingness unmarried?

65. Do you believe in astrology?

66. Have you always went and kissed a total stranger out of the blue just because you could not resist information technology?

67. What is your nigh treasured retention?

68. What makes yous express joy?

69. What are you still sad about?

70. How would y'all handle someone hitting on your meaning other?

71. What are your feelings towards open relationships?

72. Have yous ever been jealous?

73. Where do y'all see yourself in the year 2050?

74. Do you believe everyone we see is meant to teach us a lesson about ourselves?

75. Take you lot always walked away from someone yous still loved?

76. What's your to go identify when y'all're having a bad twenty-four hour period?

77. Tin can yous make pancakes?

78. Would y'all brand breakfast in bed for a girl you fancy?

79. What do your friends say almost yous?

80. What are your most honey artists, and why?

81. Where should I go if I want to spend my mean solar day equally a tourist in this city?

82. What's your favourite piece of art?

83. Accept yous ever had sex in a forbidden place?

84. What exercise you love near about sleeping with a girl?

85. What are your mornings like?

86. What is your favourite drinkable?

87. Where would you go if you just had 24 hours to alive?

88. What's the best thing about being unmarried and happy?

89. What's the best communication someone has ever given to you lot?

90. What would you tell your teenage cocky if y'all could ship them some insights from the hereafter?

91. Do you believe in miracles?

92. Are you fond of who you are?

93. If you had to draw the most intense moment of your life using only one word, how would you proper name information technology?

94. What makes you lamentable?

95. Where would you like to spend the residue of your life if yous could?

96. Would you give away everything you had if you were promised to be forever immature?

97. What is something you'll never apologise for?

98. What is the kickoff affair y'all detect about a woman?

99. Have yous e'er been in honey?

100. Volition yous kiss me now?

Bonus: 50 MORE Questions To Ask A Guy If You lot Desire To Know Who He Actually Is

by Becca Martin

i. If you lot could go anywhere in the earth, where would you go and why?

two. Are you a morning person or night person?

3. Do y'all adopt making plans or following along with what someone else planned?

4. Do you lot have a mentor in life that you've continuously looked upwards to?

five. When practise you feel nearly vulnerable?

6. Where is the i place you've lived that has actually felt like home?

vii. If you could alter anything about yourself, what would it be and why?

viii. What are you nearly proud of accomplishing?

9. What would your dream vacation consist of if coin wasn't a gene?

10. Tin can you honestly say you love what you do everyday?

11. What is one matter in life that makes you experience alive?

12. Are yous a cat person or a domestic dog person?

13. If you could change ane thing almost the earth what would it be and why?

14. If you won the lottery what is the outset thing you'd do with your money?

fifteen. If you could get back and redo a function of your life, would y'all?

16. If y'all could go back and pick a different profession, what would you lot choose?

17. If yous could live anywhere in the earth where you would move?

18. Who in your life do you lot admire the most?

xix. If you were a adult female for a day what is the first thing you lot'd practise?

20. What is your favorite hobby?

21. How often practice you read your Horoscope?

22. What are the superlative three things on your bucket list?

23. Are you more of a summer or winter kind of person?

24. What helps you unwind after a long, stressful 24-hour interval?

25. When you lot're upset practise you like to be comforted or left lonely?

26. If you could change your name, what would y'all make it and why?

27. What was the best twenty-four hours of your life thus far?

28. What was the happiest moment you've ever experienced?

29. Practise y'all feel like something is missing from your life?

30. What are you most passionate about?

31. What is one thing you'd love the learn more about?

32. What is your favorite non-physical office about yourself?

33. What is more than important to you: money or happiness?

34. What was the terminal matter to make you cry?

35. What is your biggest fear?

36. What is the craziest thing you've ever washed?

37. What is your biggest pet peeve?

38. What would you consider your best trait? And your worst trait?

39. What is the first thing you notice when yous meet a girl?

40. Have you had any near death experiences?

41. What is the one thing that tin can always make you grin?

42. If you could marry one fictional character or celebrity, who would it be and why?

43. What is better in your opinion – asking for forgiveness or permission?

44. What is the most embarrassing moment you've always experienced?

45. Would you rather watch the moving picture or read the book?

46. If you could have one super power what would it be and why?

47. How do you deal with people in your life who you don't like?

48. What is your biggest regret and then far?

49. Have you lot ever got in trouble with the constabulary? If and then, what for?

50. If you could go back to a certain time in your life, what would it be?

Questions to Get to Know a Guy

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